There are multiple studies designed to test the hypothesis that age does not directly influence body composition or regional body fat distribution throughout middle age, most arrive at the same conclusion - weight gain may be a result of other variables rather than an inevitable consequence of the aging process.
Adrenal fatigue is a term applied to a collection of nonspecific symptoms, including fatigue, generalized aches, brain fog, depression, irritability, nervousness, sleep disturbances, salt and sweet cravings, and digestive problems thought to be caused by chronic stress. It is not a recognized medical diagnosis, although Addison’s disease (or adrenal insufficiency), which involves the inadequate production of hormones is, and needs to be treated.
While MTMM advocates a whole foods first approach and encourages our members to only supplement in the context of clinical deficiency, there are a few substances out there that can safely give you a bit of a boost.
This blog will break down the select few legal and safe substances that are nearly unanimously considered to aid performance. Of course, there are many more out there purported to have bigger and better effects, however, proper clinical research has either not been undertaken on these aids, or no consistent benefit to their use has been demonstrated, so you’ve gotta ask, “is it worth it?”
Do your travel plans align or conflict with your nutrition plan?
This is a conversation we have frequently with clients - whether for business or for pleasure, travel has the capacity to cause a little uncertainty when following a nutrition plan, but it doesn’t need to.
To travel abroad and not experience the rich cultural aspects offered by food would be, in our opinion, a waste of a trip and a failure on our behalf as your coach to properly prepare you.
During pregnancy the body requires an increased nutrient supply to meet both mom and babe’s needs. It’s well understood that a diet lacking in key vitamins and minerals can negatively affect a baby’s development, but new research is demonstrating that the maternal diet - both prior to and during pregnancy - can also have massive effects on a child’s risk of chronic diseases!
Learn about the dangers of osteoporosis in our elders and what preventative measures can be taken
As our Canadian crew head into the spring and summer seasons we’re hearing a lot more about itchy, watery eyes, congestion and stuffiness, and overall increases in inflammation. Folks are downing allergy meds like they’re MTMM #almondbuttercups but did you know it might not just be the pollen that’s causing you grief?