Ben’s Top 3 – Time Saving Meal Prep Hacks.
We have received an immense amount of requests this month from our community asking for some simple prep hacks to help minimize the amount of time it takes to get through meal prep. The first thing to note here is that meal prep is essentially a skill like any other. The more you do it, the more efficient you will become at getting it done. Some of us will even sacrifice a touch of variety (not flavour!) in our day to day meals in order to be able to both eat to our profiles/ templates and minimize the time taken to prepare.
However, there are a few little wins that I have discovered over the years that save a heap of time and will have you wondering how you survived at all previously.
TOP 3 Time Saving Hacks.
See those scissors that come standard in any knife block you may have purchased over the last 20 years? Despite popular opinion, they can actually be used for more than snipping the top off your plastic icy-pole!
Use your meat scissors for the following:
Trim the fat of your steaks / chicken. When I batch cook my steaks, I have nearly 3.5kg to trim. Using the scissors to cut out any fat and gristle has taken my meat prep time from 30 minutes to less than 5. No more hacking up the steaks or ripping them apart with knives – this time saver is a gem!
Try cutting your chicken breasts into even pieces to pan sear. By cooking it in smaller pieces it will not only cook through faster, but the smaller pieces make portioning after the cook much faster also.
Once your meat is cooked, cut it up where necessary to make your portions even. Particularly where meats are concerned, minimal deviation from the recommended weight is highly encouraged. While a little extra veg each day will not dramatically alter your compliance rates to your macros, the same cannot be said for meat.
Use the scissors to make sure those portions are even and make some cuts where necessary. Bite size pieces of meat can also save you the effort of searching for office cutlery later!
I only recently invested in a slow cooker about six months ago and it is, without doubt a total game changer! There is literally less than five minutes of prep time required to get days worth of meat (and/or veg), depending on how much you want to include. For me, I take 2kg of chicken breast, throw them straight in the slow cooker, add some of my favourite seasoning and turn it on low. Come back 5 – 6 hours later and it’s all done. Separate into 10 portions – Boom! For those looking for a little more creativity, MTMM has a ton of slow cooker recipes for lamb shanks/ shoulders, curry, soups and casseroles. These can be provided on request (and occasionally leaked on social media).
Most slow cookers now come with settings for cooking rice. But if you’re looking to really condense your prep time, the separate investment is a winner. Not only can you have three days worth of rice ready to go within 20 minutes, but they generally come with an add on to steam your vegetables at the same time.
Don’t be discouraged if your first few prep trials are an abysmal failure – they are merely learning opportunities. I can tell you from experience you only need to leave chicken in the slow cooker for eight hours once, before you learn it only needs five. You’ll only mistake the balsamic vinegar when looking for the soy sauce (but eat it anyway) just that one time! The key to staying compliant is to get creative. Herbs and spices are really easy ways to flavour enhance your meals without resorting to sugar dense, preservative rich marinades. Garlic, ginger and chili can provide a pretty decent base to any other concoction you are thinking of trying. Be generous with coriander, cilantro, parsley and basil... what’s the worst that could happen??
Try, try and try again – until you find the perfect combination that suits your tastebuds and your macros.
These three hacks continue to serve me well week in week out. Prep has become a skill that I pride myself on and in no way do I consider it to be a drain or a chore. Take the time to practice, invest in ways to make your preparation more efficient and feel free to get creative. Just because you are paying attention to the food you are eating, in no way does it need to feel bland or restrictive.
Start with small goals, aim to eat at least 4 prepped meals per week, then each week try to have one more. If you foresee that the coming weeks might be particular tough to get additional prep sessions in – take advantage of our partnerships with companies such as Caveman Grocers and Barons of Beef – minimize as much as possible your need to reduce yourself to heavily processed, toxin laden fast food.
Ultimately, it comes down to how high your health and performance rank on your list of priorities, which will determine the amount of effort you are willing to put in!
The SWEET truth
Looking deeper into labels of packaged foods when grocery shopping can really make or break the overall outcome when meal prepping and calculating your macros.
Scenario: I love coconut and almond milk. The smooth texture, nutty taste and density really amps up my morning americano and is the cherry on top of a solid protein pudding. I buy two cartoons a week. I use it so frequently its the first item that shows up in my "recently added" in MyFitness Pal. Needless to say, its a staple for me.
HOWEVER. With coconut milk being the only packaged food item I buy, initially I made a huge rookie mistake when incorporating it into my diet.
Labels y'all. They put it on the carton for a reason. Take the extra 0.3 seconds to check the label. Its the LAW to have nutritional facts on the box of packaged foods yet how many of us reaaaaallllyyyy look into it when grocery shopping. I can tell you now that I sure didn't. Here's what I discovered in switching from 'Vanilla' to 'Original' to 'Unsweetened' and how I freed up a crap ton of macros for myself to fill up with actual whole foods.
Let's take a closer look at the caloric breakdown, carbohydrate sugar content in each of these options. (Silk Almond Milk used for example**)
As you can see, the carb and sugar count per serving changes quite drastically from vanilla to unsweetened. Personally, being on a lower carbohydrate macro plan, I make sure ALL my carbs come from whole foods to optimize the actual amount of food I consume. (I like to eat a lot...) Needless to say, I've switched completely to unsweetened nut milks and now pay close attention to any added sugars, syrups or "unnecessary" carbs. I encourage everyone to do that extra check up on labels when doing groceries especially when buying packaged foods.
Trust me on this one, its the little tedious things that will make you go the extra mile.
MTMM’S 4 Top Tips for Beginning Your Physiological Spring Cleaning
Beginning Your Psychological Spring Cleaning
Are you in need of a spring clean?
"Spring Cleaning" the art of cleaning our homes after ling prevalent winters can be traced back throughout the ages. From ancient religious purposes (preparation for Passover, the cleaning of the Alter before Catholic Easter) to foreign geographical locations (The Persian New Year falls on the first day of Spring) all sources concur that this traditional yearly ritual was conducted with the purpose of cleansing.
Spring Cleaning is vital. There’s nothing like a good cleanse to reset the system and invigorate us for the year ahead. And there is no more important place in which we reside that could always use a good clean out than our bodies. Winter often evokes feelings of hibernation. Perhaps our activity levels drop as we are deterred by the cold and the wet, and with the slide in motivation, no doubt for many of us our nutrition follows suit. Comfort eating coupled with extended periods of inactivity creates the perfect environment for a good clean out.
So as the sun begins to shine and the weather begins to turn, our attention begins to shift from hibernation to rejuvenation! Contrary to the (tragically) popular opinion in our community (which advocates that a ‘cleanse’ includes all kinds of detox potions, teas and a bunch of other bullshit snake oil concoctions) the road back to health can be started with relative ease.
1) Clean out that pantry!
If you’re anything like me having processed snacky food in the cupboards always ends badly. If you are serious about cleaning out the system – prove it! Grab a garbage bag and fill it with all the processed food that may have helped provide a little extra warmth over the winter –then donate it to you local food drive. Not only will your body thank you for your effort but so will your local community – good for the body, good for the soul! Check the expiry date on those supps in the back of the cupboard. If it’s been a while since you had a shake or downed some fish oil, best to make sure they’re still right for consumption. Once you’ve ascertained that your supps are ok, it’s worthwhile to have a think about whether or not they’re still relevant for your rejuvenation goals. For example, if pizza made a regular occurrence in the diet over winter, now might not be the best time to load up on a mass gainer! Don’t just consume what’s on hand out of convenience. Be mindful of what you are consuming and make sure it aligns with your current objectives
2) Fill up that Fridge!
Now that the cupboards and pantry are clear, it’s time to focus our attention on the fridge. A focus on wholesome food is MTMM Gospel, so take advantage of all those delicious fruits and vegetables that are beginning to come back into season. Big hearty summer salads with cold meat are always a winner when the temperature rises so feel free to get creative! Don’t be scared to experiment by including fruits such as mango, pomegranates and pears to your traditional chicken salads for a little extra flavor burst.
3) Hydrate.
The importance of proper hydration is often overlooked when discussing nutrition, almost as if it’s so simple we often neglect to mention it. Water is nature’s detox and plays a vital role in helping to regulate the optimal performance all of our bodily functions. Particularly now that we are aiming to cleanse, ample water supply will ensure a flushing of toxins from the system as well as adequate circulation around the body of essential vitamins and minerals. Try to aim for around 2L per day and increase intake inline with the increase in activity to aid performance.
4) Easy does it.
If you’re training volume has decreased steadily over the winter months, be mindful that it will take some time to build back up that fitness base. Don’t expect the same performance out of your body on day 1 as you were getting in the months prior. Work back up diligently over the course of one – two weeks. Your muscle memory will ensure that it doesn’t take too long to recover your strength, but pushing too hard too soon will increase your risk of injury. We want you working up to surpass where you were before the cold struck, and being crippled from DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) for three or four days after your first workout back will heavily impact your motivation to return!
Be sure to share your hot tips using #marriedtomymacros or request to join our community group on Facebook.
Fast News, Fast Updates, Fast Food.
Why the commercial food industry is out to get us.
Something to think on…
All of us live life at a pace that has never been seen before. We are a generation that seeks constant and immediate validation from those that we are connected to on a 24-hour basis. Avenues such as social media have transformed the way we ‘consume’ information and keep up to date with the world around us. So it comes as no surprise that in a world saturated with fast news, fast updates and fast answers comes fast food.
The fact that you are even reading this demonstrates that you have a decent amount of concern for your nutrition. You understand the importance and consequences, both good and bad, that result from how you nourish your body. You know that average inputs equate to average output and when our performance diminishes, so do our results.
This isn’t your standard fast food bashing post. That horse has been flogged to death and we are all well aware of chemicals and additives that are included in the "food" produced by the big franchise outlets.
This post is a penned with the intention to make you think, that even in the time crunch we find ourselves constantly subjected to, that some things are worth ‘making’ time for. One of those things is meal prep.
I am a firm believer that all fast food, is, well… shit. And yes, this even includes what many would consider "healthy fast food". Subway has long been considered the quick and healthy alternative to the humble burger. But I think if I had to choose between the two, I would go for the burger.
Because the burger is not pretentious. It’s exactly what you think it is. A big mound of greasy meat, laden with trans fats, made out of whatever animal offcuts the butchers could scrape off floors of the abattoir. But you know this. You are expecting this. So you are making your decisions with all the facts on the table. Subway, however, might just be the devil incarnate. Subway might just be the Tiger Woods of the fast food world, and today, Subway has been found out.
In a chemical site test that tested five stores at random, DNA samples taken from the chicken used at Subway restaurants returned results that indicated that only 50% of it’s make-up was actual chicken… the other 50% was some form of soy. And that’s not the only astonishing part.
In reply to being questioned about this outcome, Subway representatives once stated "We want our chicken to be at least 99% chicken." I'm sorry.... 99%?? Excuse me? I want my chicken to be 100% chicken!
What annoys me the most about incidents like this is that it leads a population of people unwillingly astray; the people who opted to not have the greasy burger. The people who made the decision to choose what should be the "healthier" option. Whether or not this report is entirely accurate, whether or not the product really is only 50% chicken is not within our capacity to say, but in the end the lesson should be that really, it doesn’t matter whether you choose the greasy burger or "healthy" sandwich, when you eat out you never truly know exactly what you’re getting. Some good news? All of this can be avoided with meal prep.
When my program calls for 250g of chicken breast, I know that I am getting 250g of chicken breast. I know that my chicken has lived a long and happy life on a wide open farm and hasn’t been needled with an exuberant amount of antibiotics. How do I know this? Because by paying attention to the details of what I’m consuming and the butchers I’m sourcing my food from, I’m seeing my performance improve.
The big take away that I want to leave you with is this...
You have already made the decision to re-take control of your body and mind and have decided to set yourself goals surrounding performance, body composition or both. Don’t allow your success or failures to be determined by sources that aren’t invested in your results. Take charge. Make time. Meal prep. Your body will love you for it.
12 Week "Transformation" vs A Lifestyle Shift
"We work to dispel and refute nutritional dogma and misleading marketing that plagues the health and fitness industry."
One of the pillars we stand for in our mission statement. We want to offer the best resources and information for individuals to conquer their goals faster and eventually build on having them create a happy healthy life. Nutrition is simple, not easy. With being exposed daily to tons of hyped up and oversold products and programs in the media, it can be hard tell which ones will add value.
We've broken down below what a standard 12 Week Transformation Program typically encompasses and why this cookie cutter template approach only works for individuals who "fit the mold". Then, we highlight what a MTMM 12 Week Support Program can give you and features included in order for you to maintain a healthy base in your day to day nutrition.
Widely Available "12 Week Online Transformation" Programs:
Takes into account only your age, height, weight and rough activity level
One size fits all approach
Promotes aggressive depletion
Focuses on indiscriminate weight loss (muscle mass as well as fat)
Damages metabolism
Disrupts regular hormone balance
Extremely high rate of completion regression
(putting the weight back on)
MTMM 12 Week Support Package:
Recognized industry leading qualifications
Full health history consideration and comprehensive health and lifestyle assessment
Programming that centres on evidence based results from the latest industry and medical studies
Assessment of individual risk for adrenal fatigue and other hormonal imbalances
Focus on sustainable fat loss for long term body re-composition
Tailored programming that incorporates personal lifestyle factors such as shift work, stress levels, anticipated activity changes, menstrual and hormonal cycles and changes and more
Emphasis on education and client inclusion
Strong community support network
Varied strategies and behavioural coaching techniques to ensure success
Around the clock email support
Endorsed and utilized by performance athletes
Get started on your journey, tailored for you, today.
Invest In YOU.
Not sure if you can afford Nutrition Coaching?
Let’s crunch the numbers.
Per Month/Per Year:
- Average Gym Membership $200/$2,400
- Average Supplement Cost $120/$1,440
- Average Time spent in the gym 25 x $25
- x average wage per hour $625/$7,500
- Average Grocery Cost $600/$7,200
- $1,545 monthly/$18,540 yearly
Each year, at a minimum, we spend just under $19,000 on our health and wellness, whether directly or indirectly. This doesn’t even begin to factor in secondary costs such as prehab/rehab treatment, sport specific equipment and gear, and medications for potentially avoidable health conditions. Factor those in, and the number quickly exceeds $25,000 per year!
Are you happy with your current level of health and fitness? Is current your body composition and performance indicative of your $25,000 investment? For the great majority of individuals, unfortunately the answer is no.
Devastatingly, for an overwhelming number of people within our community, the return on this enormous investment in simply unsatisfactory. The question therefore becomes not “can you afford to learn about proper nourishment?” but “how can you continue to afford not to?”
At MTMM we can help you:
- Learn how to ensure your weekly, monthly and annual spending is aligned with
- your health and performance goals.
- - Implement strategies to ensure you get the maximum return on your
- investment.
- - Improve your general health, quality of life and achieve the performance and
- body composition results you desire.
Make the change for yourself today.
Top Health Apps
Here are our top (free!) health apps to help you keep track and maintain consistency in your day to day activities. These can also help you remain accountable in the pursuit of achieving your goals.
Mindfulness and meditation apps:
Food tracking apps:
Women's health:
Other tracking apps:
High Protein Veggies for High Performance
Getting enough protein in a day can be challenging. By adding some of these high protein veggies into your meals, you'll be able to reach your recommended daily protein intake seamlessly.
1. Peas
Not only are peas one of our favourite kitchen additions, they are also an excellent source of protein. Peas can be enjoyed fresh or frozen and have some of the highest protein available of any vegetable. Next time you are looking for a little protein boost, remember to add in a handful of peas to your meal.
2. Spinach
You might already know spinach as a popular "super food", but now you can eat it knowing that it is also a great source of protein too. This vegetable is loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and of course, protein.
3. Kale
Truly one of the best greens vegetable choices out there. Kale is the definition of a super food. Make it into a salad, add it to soup or casserole, or blend a handful into a green smoothie. You can be sure you are getting your desired protein intake!
4. Broccoli
As well as being higher in protein, broccoli is also high in fibre, antioxidants and minerals. With a broad range of vitamins it offers, you can use cooked or raw broccoli as a main menu item. Eat broccoli in salads, soups, or simply steamed by itself with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.
5. Sprouts
There are so many different varieties of fresh sprouts available. The thing we love about them the most is that they are living until you pick them. You can't get any fresher than that. Sprouts make a healthy addition to sandwiches, salads and soups. Try mixing various kinds of sprouts that are available to you for taste and nutrition.
6. Mushrooms
With a firm texture and immune boosting properties, especially cordyceps, reishi and maitake, mushrooms make a tasty, nutritious and filling main meal. We opt to cook them under a hot grill with a drizzle of olive oil. When they are almost done, simply top them with a little freshly chopped garlic and parsley and then bake them a little longer (to cook the garlic). Serve them with freshly scrambled organic eggs for a healthy weekend brunch.
7. Brussel Sprouts
This cruciferous vegetable is not only high in protein, but also fibre. Try roasting them in a baking tray with a drizzle of oil and a dash of sea salt for a delicious variation.
8. Artichokes
You can eat artichokes in many different ways including blended, steamed or roasted. They are so delicious and filling (thanks to the high protein) that you may very well may make them the main part of your meal, as happened in the ancient Jewish Ghettos in Rome many years ago!
9. Asparagus
Not only are asparagus high in protein, but they also assist your body with detoxification. Asparagus are also high in fibre, which fills you up and leaves you feeling satisfied after eating.
10. Corn
In addition to its high fibre content, a serving of corn packs a solid protein punch. Best eaten fresh from the cob, you can also get the benefits off-season through frozen or canned kernels.
Local Partnerships: Caveman Grocer
Kicking off our partnership with Caveman Grocer, their team sat down with our fearless leader Katrina to talk food, how the business came about and all things macros.. Check out their website below and stay tuned for more news about what we're cooking up with this awesome company.
Can you tell us about your health background?
I graduated from the University of Victoria where I studied biopsychology before going on to complete a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. I spent the majority of my career in the field of cardiac health, most recently obtaining an advanced specialty certificate, which moved me into a position in cardiac surgery intensive care.
During my five years in cardiac health I became increasingly passionate about the power of preventative medicine and optimizing quality of life. These interests coincided with an interest in my own preventative health measures as I began to explore the world of CrossFit and develop a love of Olympic weightlifting.
After awhile it became evident that my ability to help people live a higher quality life was severely restricted in an intensive care setting and I realized I could make a much bigger impact working alongside individuals who actively prioritized their health, but perhaps needed a little additional guidance and support.With this desire to positively assist those looking to make healthier life choices, I decided to obtain my CrossFit level 1 certification and advanced my sports nutrition education by becoming a Precision Nutrition Level 1 coach.
Why paleo foods? And why macros, and why together?
Nutrition has always interested me and I have experimented with a myriad of different approaches to my personal food consumption over the years. Coming from a science based background and after having worked with individuals with eating disorders it became harder and harder for me to ‘digest’ the bad science (or clever marketing) behind so many of these purported healthy diets. A paleo lifestyle rings true to me on both an intuitive and scientific level and left me feeling healthy and satiated. For years I followed a paleo lifestyle and because of this felt I could “eat whatever I wanted.” At one point I hit over 160lbs while competing in CrossFit and just felt my body physically didn’t match my level of fitness. That’s where macros came in.
How long have you being doing macros for?
I started really honing in on my nutrition and applying macro profiling to myself in November 2015. The change since then is nearly unbelievable.
Tell us about the kind of services you offer.
Married to My Macros offers nutrition consulting services that are based on a concept of performance-fuelled activity. We believe that a well-fuelled body is one that will function at its highest capacity, and as a bi-product of that capacity - become appropriately re-compositioned. In plain English this means that we consult with our clients about their individual goals then build tailored programs for them to ensure they perform at an optimum level while simultaneously attaining a lean and healthy physique.
We use science to calculate our client’s individual profiles and requirements, then translate the results into a simple set of instructions for them to follow. Support remains constant throughout with regular check-ins to discuss challenges, celebrate successes, and find ways to troubleshoot any issues that arise, motivating them to keep on track. Our client’s programs are regularly updated, recalculated and adjusted based on their results so they continue to evolve as our people do.
MTMM is service based and customer focused. We aim to be not only our client’s nutritional advisors, but also their number one cheerleaders, sounding boards, and support network. We do their macro profiling, meal templating, menu planning, weight cut coaching and any other type of end-to-end nutritional services they require.
Tell us a little bit about the different clients you have.
Married to My Macros supports a wide range of clientele, each with their own specific idea of performance. The majority of our clients are athletes – from weekend warriors to nationally ranked Olympic Weightlifters. We have regionals bound crossfitters as well as those brand new to fitness or just returning after a long hiatus. We work with youth athletes, women in the post-partum period, and any individual looking to make a positive life change and improve their health and performance.
What is the biggest thing people get wrong or have difficulty with when doing macros.
People chronically underestimate their caloric need! Many of our clients are significantly under eating for the activities they are engaged in or do not consider the re-adjustments they may need as they transition through different life phases. A big one we typically see is people decreasing their intake when injured – a time when your caloric need might actually increase by up to 25%.
What is an average time frame you work with people and the kind of results they can come to expect when following your macros plan?
We generally like to have our clients commit to a minimum three months when starting out, as often the first few weeks are spent honing in on individual macro requirements and accurately determining metabolic baselines. Typically we are find our clients are so happy with their progress in that time frame that they actually extend their programs beyond that.
The kind of results people can expect is entirely goal dependant. As a general rule of thumb we say that ‘within two weeks you’ll feel the difference, within four you’ll see it, and within eight you’ll hear about it’ – meaning your friends, family and acquaintances will be hounding you for your secret – “what have you done!?”
Why did you start Married To My Macros?
I started Married To My Macros because I had a real passion to share my knowledge and expertise with like-minded, motivated individuals and found I was no longer getting that kind of satisfaction in my job as a critical care nurse. My quality of life improved so much once I dialled in my own nutrition that I wanted to help other people achieve the same thing and be part of their journey. MTMM is founded on the principle that we rise by lifting others up and that we can create a much stronger community by creating stronger individuals. This concept is what guides our practice daily.
Favourite Caveman Grocer meal?
Only one favourite Caveman meal?? That’s such a tough one. There’s a few I feel I couldn’t live without, but for day to day I’d have to say the zing past-ya pasta is a top choice. For something that’s a bit more of a treat I’ll go for the Blueberry Ribs anytime!
Get on your food game with Caveman Grocer.
World's Greatest Chicken Hack
There is literally no easier way to batch-cook chicken than to use my 'world's greatest chicken hack.' You'll save so much time you'll wonder why you haven't done it all along!
Buy 1-2 kg chicken breast and cook it in a slow-cooker for 8 hours on low. No need to add any liquid as it will self render. I choose to cook mine plain so I can individually season the chicken portions meal by meal, but you could add any spices or herbs you desire.
Once the chicken is cooked it will shred easily with a fork and can be measured into individual portions for the fridge or freezer for quick convenient protein sources.
The one and only caveat (and a very important one at that) is that protein should always be measured and tracked raw.
So how do we work this out?
Let’s say you bought 1 kg raw chicken breast. It will cook down significantly and you will have to re-weigh it once cooked.
If once cooked the chicken now measures out to 800g you would divide the cooked weight by the number of portions you want. I generally aim for 200 or 250g of chicken per portion. So, if I were aiming for 200g portions I would divide my cooked weight by 5 (5x 200g portions = 1000g raw), which equals 160. Weigh out 5x 160g portions and label them as “200g chicken breast” and enter it into your macro tracker as ‘chicken breast raw’
Bon appétit!